The Elgin City Council will meet in Regular Session in the Elgin Kohler Memorial Building Meeting Room
Monday, November 18th, 2024, at 7:00pm
1. Call to Order
2. Approve the Agenda
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Approve the Minutes November 4, 2024
5. Approve Payment of Bills
6. Fire Chief/ Ambulance Report – Approve 2 New Members
7. City Superintendent Report
1. WWTP Lagoon Liner Project – Pay #6 & 7 and Project Acceptance
2. Sewer Main Lining Improvements
3. 401 Mill Street – Resolution authorizing and approving a Loan Agreement, providing for the issuance of a $65,000 General Obligation Demolition Note, Series 2024 and providing for the levy of taxes to pay the same
1. UERPC – Housing Trust (Chris Troendle)
2. Valley Fresh Liquor License Renewal
3. Public Hearing Notice – Discussion on Sidewalk Removal
4. Resolution 2024-28 Establish a Restricted Parking Zone
5. TRRC Annual Report and Financial Request (Mallory Hanson)
6. Fayette County Sheriff’s Office Annual Report
7. Elgin American Legion #352 Request to Purchase Lot
8. FY2026 Budget Work Session #4
9. Open
10. Adjourn
Posted Friday November 15, 2024
The City of Elgin reserves the right that the Mayor may exercise discretion regarding the order in which the agenda is followed. The City of Elgin reserves the right that the Mayor may, at his discretion, allow or disallow members of the Public to address the Council for a finite time. Council meetings are recorded, by attending or participating you agree to be recorded. You may submit comments in writing if you prefer not to be recorded.
Little Switzerland of Iowa
City of Elgin
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City Hall
212 Main St Elgin, IA 52141
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