Monday, July 1st, 2024, at 7:00pm
1. Call to Order
2. Approve the Agenda
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Approve the Minutes from June 17, 2024
5. Approve Payment of Bills
6. Fire Chief/ Ambulance Report
7. City Superintendent Report
1.WWTP Lagoon Liner Project
2.Sewer & Water Main (East Street, Otter Street)
3.Riverview Street (formerly listed as Scenic Heights Alleyway)
4.Street Right-of-Way Trees
5. The Sunrise Group proposed building- Railroad Streetn St. & Switch Street)
1. Publish Council Vacancy
2. IA League of Cities Conference
3. 119 Sunset Street Building Permit
4. FY2024 End of Year-Outstanding Obligation Report
5. Franklin Street Sewer Improvements
6. Scenic Heights Well
7. Storm Sewer Discussion
8. Open
9. Adjourn
Posted Friday June 28th, 2024.
Little Switzerland of Iowa
City of Elgin
City Hall Office
City Hall
212 Main St Elgin, IA 52141
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