1. Call to Order
2. Approve the Agenda
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Approve the Minutes from April 29, 2024 Special Session
5. Approve the Minutes from May 6, 2024
6. Approve Payment of Bills
7. Fire Chief/ Ambulance Report
8. City Superintendent Report
1.WWTP Lagoon Liner Project
2.Sewer & Water Main (East Street, Otter Street)
3.Speed Survey/Testing
4.Kohler Memorial Building - Cameras
1. Scott Hanley- Dog Request
2. Full-Time Staff Evaluations and Wage Discussion
3. 1207 Main Street Ash Trees
4. Lawnmower Discussion
5. Recycling Bins Location
6. 312 Almira Building Permit
7. 312 Almira-North Alleyway Ownership
8. Elgin Tap Liquor License Renewal
9. Dotzys Liquor License Renewal
10. Building Permit- 900 Nordic Way
11. Cappers Field- American Flag (Little League)
12. East Pleasant Street-Parking on Street
13. Homecoming Parade/Welcome
14. Scenic Heights Alleyway- Paving/Gravel
15. Open
16. Adjourn
Little Switzerland of Iowa
City of Elgin
City Hall Office
City Hall
212 Main St Elgin, IA 52141
City Clerk Email
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